Endorsed by multiple agencies, with a large amount of low voltage experience, any vision can be made a reality. From flashing lights and loud sirens, to controllers radios and consoles. Any vision can be completed with the right equipment. Complete safety systems for Security Officers, Search and Rescue Teams, Roadside Assistance, Volunteer Fire Fighters, Enthusiasts and more!

From strictly hideaway lighting, to full outfits, we are here to make sure that you are seen and safe during any situation or condition. (Please research your state laws to learn which colors are legal to use and when to use them.) Proof of agency affiliation may be required for installation of specific colors.

Sirens, PA Systems, and Speakers
Due to a very wide market of controllers, any setup can be custom made to fit your needs. Siren controllers can be hidden away inside of consoles. Speakers can be hidden out of view, and for non-emergency personal, public address systems and air horns can be installed.

Consoles can be completely custom built to fit any user's needs, and are a great way to hide or simplify unwanted clutter like flashlight chargers, laptop mounts, PA and Radio Mic mounts, etc.

Vintage and Restorations
Whether for car shows or a personal fleet old emergency vehicles have always been a soft spot for many enthusiasts around the world. Complete vehicle restorations to full light outfits, anything can be accomplished to make your build exactly how you would like it to be.

Scene Lighting and More
A great addition to having strobes to make sure that you are seen on your way to an incident, is to make sure you can see while your on scene, with the right equipment, lights and programming, comes endless opportunities